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Measure K Funding Updates

Local funds for local needs

Measure K Funding Update Available!

On June 25, 2024, the Board of Supervisors approved additional recommendations for the Children, Families, and Seniors Priority Area. Detailed information, including a list of funded initiatives, can be found here.


On March 26, 2024, the Board of Supervisors approved recommendations for Measure K funding in preparation for the FY 2024-25 Recommended Budget. Click here to see the full budget and recommendations. Additional updates will be posted as they become available.

We’ve received 315 Applications for Funding

232 are services for children, families and seniors; 28 address emergency preparedness; and 55 address housing and homelessness. Finding the right initiatives for our county is important, and takes time. It is anticipated that funding recommendations will be brought to the Board of Supervisors in late March 2024 with contracts starting July 1, 2024.

Children, Families and Seniors

“What do you and your family need to thrive in San Mateo County?”

Every parent, child, and senior in San Mateo County deserves to thrive. The costs and barriers to childcare and senior care have left critical needs in the lives of our residents, and when we asked our county’s residents how to support those needs, this is what they shared.

Top Recommendations for Measure K Investment:

  • Subsidized child care
  • More childcare centers and programs
  • Adapted provider requirements
  • Educational pathways, curriculum, and supporting Programs
  • Community engagement and student well-being

Emergency Preparedness

“What do you need before, during, or after an emergency?”

From floods to wildfires, communities in San Mateo County have experienced a variety of situations in recent years that foster a clear community desire to be well-prepared, equipped, and supported when an emergency strikes.

The top five themes raised related to emergency preparedness are:

  • Emergency support
  • Emergency communication planning and preparation
  • Emergency supplies & shelters
  • Infrastructure
  • Reduction of hazards

Housing and Homelessness

“What do your needs related to housing and homelessness?”

With the rising cost of living, residents expressed a wide range of needs, like more housing assistance and shelters. Housing affordability is, without a doubt, a pressing issue, with challenges reaching beyond the availability and cost of homes. This multifaceted crisis touches on rent costs and extends to other areas of daily living and well-being. We need innovative solutions to address and alleviate housing challenges.

The top three themes regarding housing and homeless are:

  • Affordable and accessible housing options
  • High cost of living in the county
  • Evictions and housing assistance

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400 County Center

Redwood City, CA 94063


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